Yemeni Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Muammar Al-Eryani said an Iranian-linked Houthi terrorist militia fired two rockets from an Iranian-made drone at a mosque in Al-Khodeidah province, while the mosque was packed with worshipers performing Friday prayers in killing civilians and injuring 5 others, including children, emphasizing that the attack is a full-fledged war crime.
Al-Eryani tweeted on his Twitter account: “This heinous massacre adds to the series of crimes committed by the Houthi terrorist militia since the start of the coup and its systematic attacks on residential areas, houses, mosques and public markets. , with the aim of inflicting the greatest number of casualties among innocent civilians, in light of the astonishing international silence. “And incomprehensible.”
He continued: “The international community, the UN, UN and US envoys, as well as human rights organizations and bodies, should take a clear stand on this heinous crime and work to list the Houthi militias as international terrorists, as well as prosecute and prosecute their leaders in international courts as “war criminals”.