When it comes to disinformation, it is often government or political figures who compete to discredit online competitors or impose their own interests. version history, even if it means coming to terms with the facts or offering an alternative truth. It also seems that private companies have not been left out.
Fake reviews to make fun of a competitor
In any case, this is whaton can be learned from a fascinating article published by the BBC on the subject. According to some experts interviewed, many firms use bots or fake accounts to launch campaigns to discredit their competitors on social media. Lyric Jain, CEO of Logistics, a high-tech surveillance company that uses artificial intelligence to scan Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to find and detect fakes. news, claims to be getting more and more inquiries from companies. According to our colleagues, he adds:
We seem to be on the cusp of an era of competitor misinformation. We found that some of the methods used by public actors in social media influencer operations are now being adopted by less scrupulous competitors of some of the world’s leading companies.
The principle is always the same – to artificially reinforce a negative opinion about a product or service offered by a competitor. He arrive also that the bots openly ridicule the company’s poor financial performance to tarnish its reputation. When disinformation is discovered, Logical employees contact the platforms. According to the manager, some delete accounts, while others simply delete offensive messages. If these technological solutions for counterfeit detection news seem interesting, however, they have certain limitations. Indeed, it is sometimes very difficult to define exactly what fake news is. The algorithm also often struggles to detect satire and second degree and thus may be radically wrong about publication. Thus, human moderators are still needed to control these bad practices.