World Water Day will be celebrated on Tuesday with Topic of Ground water, “a hidden The treasure that will become more critical amid climate change” according to the United Nations. For water-stressed Turkey, maintaining groundwater flow without losses is critical, both for its agricultural sector and to be prepared for doubts that future may bring, with The climate crisis is causing droughts.
The water that is wasted is the main concern for the authorities in besieged country with drought last year. Furthermore, he is expected to place his block back millions of lira in economy. Akef Ozcaldi, deputy minister of Agriculture and forestry, reduce water losses, in particular in big Cities, are a priority they aim to achieve down Water loss levels to at least 25% from 37% by next year. This means savings of $67.2 million (1 billion Turkish liras) annually.
anyway home to group of Climates, Turkey mostly a semiA barren country is a particularly dangerous thing in age of Climate change for Agricultural land is concentrated in Anatolia is far from a temperate climate of western regions of the country. She’s manipulating her response to weather- Related issues exacerbated by the climate crisis, from floods in coastal areas to severe droughts in interior areas. The country launched a water board in October 2021, a first Comprehensive water treatment effort problems. You have gathered all concerned in The issueFrom farmers to industrialists. water losses in big Cities were among problems highlighted in Discussion on and off the board.
Ozcaldi said efficiency use of water one of The most important issues for Turkey. We have prepared guidelines for better water use Both in industrial drinking water useBeside in agricultural use. about 74% of uses water in Agriculture and the rest is used as drinking water in industry,” he told Anadolu Agency (AA) on Monday. The state has formulated a water use efficiency project strategy Document and draft water law, which will combine water management under one bodyis being processed.
vice minister says that they also Attaches importance to the water filter used in irrigation for second use.
Erol Kesici, Counsellor of the Turkish Association of Nature protection, misuse said of water is main cause of “Water Crisis”. Kisici told Demiroren News Agency (DHA) that Turkey is a “water-poor” country and is located in mediterranean basin, one of Most sensitive areas in terms of Climate change. Turkey saw an increase amount of this precipitation year It is an important opportunity at this time to take the necessary measures for smart water management and use. Turkey should Follow up on integrated water management and protection of biological, hydrological and environmental safety of natural water resources. We have to redesign existing cities and agriculture on climate. we need more Investments for Water efficiency, quality and consumption. we need Early warning systems against He stressed drought and floods.
The United Nations’ cultural agency said on Monday that untapped groundwater resources have “enormous potential,” noting that it is likely to mitigate demand for scarce water supply around world. In a report, UNESCO stated that groundwater accounts for 99% of All liquid fresh water on Land, despite the supplier’s misunderstanding or underestimation. “In the context of of Increasing water scarcity in several parts of The worldHuge potential, of ground water and need Careful management can no longer be overlooked.” Water consumption is expected to increase by 1% per year over The next 30 years, according to UNESCO, paid population growth And the demand from industry and agriculture. The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, stated that people are increasingly polluted or dehydrated up Existing water resources – “sometimes with Irreversible consequences. “Make smarter use of Ability of still few developed Groundwater resources, protecting them from pollution and overexploitation, are essential to meet basic needs of constantly growing global population and to address global Climate and energy crises”.
Groundwater currently constitutes about 50% of water drawn for home use globally, 25% of size used for irrigation, according to UNESCO. But the verdict of Often the resource is poor and there is a shortage of Technical expertise in some parts of The worldIn particular in Sub-Saharan Africa. Among other things, UNESCO urged better data collection for Groundwater resources, suggesting that oil, gas and mining companies share they in-house data with public the authorities.
Conservation of wetlands
Wetlands are vital for Preservation of Water and Ecosystems. They serve countless of From storing water to hosting fisheries, preventing floods and helping agricultural production. Turkey spent $1.7 million (25.6 million Turkish liras) in The past Contract to rehabilitate and conserve 95 areas designated as wetlands, which is equivalent to more of 1.08 million hectares (2.67 million acres). Coupled with its own resources with money from international The corpses, the state is rehabilitating the wetlands spoiled by the impact of It mitigates climate change future effect of climate crisis on These are vital areas.
The country’s efforts have paid off in Sultan Sazlığı, for Model. wet ground in Central Governorate of Kayseri, which has always been a haven for birds, is now back To its old self after 4 million cubic meters of Water is pumped every year to wet ground. in the southern province of Antalya, was Avlan Lake restored to its old condition. Eregli swamp in Central Governorate of Konya where 90% of it’s a area Turned into a thirsty land due to severe drought, able of Water retention around year Thanks to the rehabilitation efforts.
Work in progress for dehydration, from Gulmarmara Lake in Western Province of Manisa to Lake Kuyukuk in Eastern Region of Kars.
World Water Day will be celebrated on Tuesday with Topic of Ground water, “a hidden The treasure that will become more critical amid climate change” according to the United Nations. For water-stressed Turkey, maintaining groundwater flow without losses is critical, both for its agricultural sector and to be prepared for doubts that future may bring, with The climate crisis is causing droughts.
The water that is wasted is the main concern for the authorities in besieged country with drought last year. Furthermore, he is expected to place his block back millions of lira in economy. Akef Ozcaldi, deputy minister of Agriculture and forestry, reduce water losses, in particular in big Cities, are a priority they aim to achieve down Water loss levels to at least 25% from 37% by next year. This means savings of $67.2 million (1 billion Turkish liras) annually.
anyway home to group of Climates, Turkey mostly a semiA barren country is a particularly dangerous thing in age of Climate change for Agricultural land is concentrated in Anatolia is far from a temperate climate of western regions of the country. She’s manipulating her response to weather- Related issues exacerbated by the climate crisis, from floods in coastal areas to severe droughts in interior areas. The country launched a water board in October 2021, a first Comprehensive water treatment effort problems. You have gathered all concerned in The issueFrom farmers to industrialists. water losses in big Cities were among problems highlighted in Discussion on and off the board.
Ozcaldi said efficiency use of water one of The most important issues for Turkey. We have prepared guidelines for better water use Both in industrial drinking water useBeside in agricultural use. about 74% of uses water in Agriculture and the rest is used as drinking water in industry,” he told Anadolu Agency (AA) on Monday. The state has formulated a water use efficiency project strategy Document and draft water law, which will combine water management under one bodyis being processed.
vice minister says that they also Attaches importance to the water filter used in irrigation for second use.
Erol Kesici, Counsellor of the Turkish Association of Nature protection, misuse said of water is main cause of “Water Crisis”. Kisici told Demiroren News Agency (DHA) that Turkey is a “water-poor” country and is located in mediterranean basin, one of Most sensitive areas in terms of Climate change. Turkey saw an increase amount of this precipitation year It is an important opportunity at this time to take the necessary measures for smart water management and use. Turkey should Follow up on integrated water management and protection of biological, hydrological and environmental safety of natural water resources. We have to redesign existing cities and agriculture on climate. we need more Investments for Water efficiency, quality and consumption. we need Early warning systems against He stressed drought and floods.
The United Nations’ cultural agency said on Monday that untapped groundwater resources have “enormous potential,” noting that it is likely to mitigate demand for scarce water supply around world. In a report, UNESCO stated that groundwater accounts for 99% of All liquid fresh water on Land, despite the supplier’s misunderstanding or underestimation. “In the context of of Increasing water scarcity in several parts of The worldHuge potential, of ground water and need Careful management can no longer be overlooked.” Water consumption is expected to increase by 1% per year over The next 30 years, according to UNESCO, paid population growth And the demand from industry and agriculture. The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, stated that people are increasingly polluted or dehydrated up Existing water resources – “sometimes with Irreversible consequences. “Make smarter use of Ability of still few developed Groundwater resources, protecting them from pollution and overexploitation, are essential to meet basic needs of constantly growing global population and to address global Climate and energy crises”.
Groundwater currently constitutes about 50% of water drawn for home use globally, 25% of size used for irrigation, according to UNESCO. But the verdict of Often the resource is poor and there is a shortage of Technical expertise in some parts of The worldIn particular in Sub-Saharan Africa. Among other things, UNESCO urged better data collection for Groundwater resources, suggesting that oil, gas and mining companies share they in-house data with public the authorities.
Conservation of wetlands
Wetlands are vital for Preservation of Water and Ecosystems. They serve countless of From storing water to hosting fisheries, preventing floods and helping agricultural production. Turkey spent $1.7 million (25.6 million Turkish liras) in The past Contract to rehabilitate and conserve 95 areas designated as wetlands, which is equivalent to more of 1.08 million hectares (2.67 million acres). Coupled with its own resources with money from international The corpses, the state is rehabilitating the wetlands spoiled by the impact of It mitigates climate change future effect of climate crisis on These are vital areas.
The country’s efforts have paid off in Sultan Sazlığı, for Model. wet ground in Central Governorate of Kayseri, which has always been a haven for birds, is now back To its old self after 4 million cubic meters of Water is pumped every year to wet ground. in the southern province of Antalya, was Avlan Lake restored to its old condition. Eregli swamp in Central Governorate of Konya where 90% of it’s a area Turned into a thirsty land due to severe drought, able of Water retention around year Thanks to the rehabilitation efforts.
Work in progress for dehydration, from Gulmarmara Lake in Western Province of Manisa to Lake Kuyukuk in Eastern Region of Kars.