The Retirement Plan – Crime-Based Action Comedy Film
The Retirement Plan is a crime-based action comedy film that was written and directed by Tim Brown. Nicolas Cage, who starred in the movie National Treasure, is one of the film’s supporting cast members. The new movie tells the narrative of Ashley and her little daughter Sarah, who, after getting into difficulty with some crooks, are compelled to seek out Ashley’s biological father, Matt, who has been separated from the family for some time. Unfortuitously, Matt is currently occupying his time as a retired beach bum in the Cayman Islands somewhere.
After the recent release of Renfield and the soon-to-be-released Sympathy for the Devil, Nicolas Cage will next appear in this action comedy, which will be his fourth picture to be released in 2014 (not counting his cameo in The Flash). Even though we have seen the actor in various comedic and action roles, including one in which he plays an assassin, the role of a retired old guy who lives as a vagabond is possibly the most unique role he has ever played. Because of this, you should give it a shot, particularly if you are a fan of Nic Cage. Prepare for a simulated summer vacation to the beautiful Cayman Islands by fastening your seatbelt, grabbing your go-to drink from the tropics, and buckling up. But before we get to that, check out our concise yet in-depth guide covering all we know about The Retirement Plan, such as the movie’s narrative, cast of characters, and characters’ retirement plans.
The Retirement Plan Cast
Nicolas Cage as Matt
Ron Perlman as Bobo
Ashley Greene as Ashley
Jackie Earle Haley as Donnie
Ernie Hudson
Joel David Moore as Fitzsimmons
Grace Byers
Lynn Whitfield
Rick Fox
Jordan Johnson-Hinds as Jimmy
Amber Ashley Smith as First Class Flight Attendant
Samantha Kaine as Helen
Dax Ravina as Tim
Jon Ambrose as Gibson
Adam Moryto as Lou
John Thomas Gauthier as Blade
Ronnie James Hughes as The General
Thalia Campbell as Sarah
What is the Release Date of The Retirement Plan?
On August 25, 2023, cinemas throughout the United States will begin showing The Retirement Plan after its debut on that date.
Who is the Director of The Retirement Plan?
Tim Brown is a director and photographer who lives and works in New York City and London. Tim Brown is well-known for his roles in the films Defendor (2009), 3 Days in Havana (2013), and The Retirement Plan (2023).
THE RETIREMENT PLAN Official Trailer (2023) Nicolas Cage
What is the Plot of The Retirement Plan?
The following is a plot summary for The Retirement Plan:
When Ashley and her little daughter Sarah find themselves in the heart of a criminal business that puts their lives in danger, they have no choice but to seek assistance from Ashley’s biological father, Matt, who has been separated from the family for a long time. When they locate him, he lives as a retired beach bum in the Cayman Islands; nevertheless, crime boss Donnie and his lieutenant Bobo soon find him and bring him back into the fold. The longer Ashley is with Matt, the more she finds he has a mysterious history she was completely unaware of.
Where Can You Watch The Retirement Plan?
Because The Retirement Plan will be shown in theaters, you can only view it on a large screen. Despite this, the crime comedy movie may get a digital distribution in the next few months, after which it will be made accessible on demand and/or on any popular streaming platform.