A beloved franchise
Hagrid and Remus Lupin are two beloved characters in the Harry Potter universe. They are played by Robbie Coltrane and David Thewlis who have become the faces of these iconic characters. However, it could have been a completely different actor playing these roles. The famous Robin Williams actually wanted to portray the giant or the werewolf in the franchise. Unfortunately, his wish could not be fulfilled due to J.K. Rowling, the creator of the saga, insisting on hiring only English or British actors. The only exception was made in the fourth part of the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where European stars were allowed to join the cast. Director Chris Columbus has expressed regret over this strict casting policy in an interview with the media.
A successful saga
Harry Potter is one of the most iconic sagas of all time and has been incredibly successful since its release. It consists of seven books, eight films, and soon a TV series. The TV show will be aired for 10 years on Max, the new streaming platform that combines Discovery+ and HBO Max. The series will have seven seasons, accommodating all the volumes of the saga. Although the release date is still unknown, fans can expect the first episode to be available by 2025. This project follows the success of the eight feature films, with the first movie earning an impressive $974 million at the worldwide box office, surpassing its budget of $125 million.
The reviews for the Harry Potter franchise have been predominantly positive, with an overall rating of 81% on review aggregator platform. The saga is described as “a tale for all ages that will last for centuries” and “challenges the idea that books are always better.” Whether in print or on the big screen, the story of the young wizard has always captivated and entertained audiences. The film adaptation of the final book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,” generated over $1.34 billion in revenue. Additionally, the novels themselves have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide since their initial publication in 1997.