The Batman, Warner Bros’ Anomaly
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) dominated the film industry from 2000 to 2010, achieving unprecedented success despite its current challenges. In response, Warner Bros, aiming for a powerful counter, launched its own extended universe dedicated to DC Comics, which enjoyed some success. However, this has led to a reboot directed by James Gunn and Peter Safran, who are tasked with saving the franchise.
Meanwhile, Warner Bros has been working on separate DC Comics projects that do not connect to the extended universe. This may be confusing for casual viewers, but one of these projects, Joker in 2019, was a massive hit in its own Batman universe.
In 2022, The Batman was released, another project that does not fit into either the DCU or the Joker universe. This film was a resounding success, thanks to the talented cast of Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Colin Farrell, and Paul Dano, as well as the exceptional direction of Matt Reeves. It is considered one of the best superhero movies of recent times.
Coming soon to Prime Video!
For a while now, The Batman has been available on Prime Video for rental or purchase. However, exciting news awaits: starting from August 19, the film will be included in the subscription of all Prime Video users at no extra cost.
If you have a Prime Video account and subscription, you will be able to stream and enjoy this thrilling and intense quasi-police investigation without any additional charges. It’s a perfect option for a pleasant evening of entertainment.