Social media activists shared impressive videos and photos of the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday, February 6, 2023. Among the scenes that went viral was a video clip of a Syrian child stranded between the rubble of a building in the Idlib countryside. In the video clip, a screaming baby appears stuck in the rubble. A building destroyed by a massive earthquake that hit the area before someone intervened and asked him to repeat the shahada, which the child repeated while waiting for the rescue teams to intervene. get him back. While the fate of the child is not yet known.
According to the Anadolu news agency, the death toll in Syria (regime and opposition areas) reached 783 dead and 2,284 injured in an earthquake that struck at dawn on Monday, and its epicenter was in southern Turkey. The Syrian Ministry of Health announced that the death toll had risen to 403 dead and 1,284 injured, most of them in Latakia, Aleppo, Hama and Tartus.
For its part, the Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) reported that the number of casualties in northwestern Syria (non-regime-controlled) has reached 380 dead and the number of injured has reached more than 1,000. The Civil Defense also indicated that the number is likely to rise due to for the fact that hundreds of families are under the rubble, and their evacuation is fraught with great difficulties, as well as heavy rescue equipment is required.
A dawn quake hit parts of Turkey and Syria with a magnitude of 7.7 on the Richter scale on Monday, followed by another 7.6 magnitude quake a few hours later, causing massive casualties and property damage in both countries.