Several different subreddits on the internet have been updated with a screenshot that appears to be a gameplay capture from the next Forza Motorsport game. Insider Gaming has confirmed that the screenshot is authentic, despite some doubt over its veracity.
Allegedly leaked screenshot of Forza Motorsport in test stages
byu/gblandro inXboxSeriesX
A watermark named “Tryyton,” a frequent streamer on Twitch, was visible in the photograph, as seen in the screenshot. Insider Gaming reached out to Tryyton to discuss the image’s veracity and inquire whether he was the source of the leak, even though the screenshot made it very evident that the information originated from him.
When I asked Tryyton about it, he immediately denied that he was the one who leaked the photograph to Reddit. However, he did concede that the image was his. According to him, the picture was uploaded to a private Discord server set up by a playtesting company. This particular server reports defects (maybe the paint job?). Regrettably, Tryyton refused to divulge the name of the playtesting organization he works for, making it impossible to validate his statements.
He claimed this had never occurred in over 25 years of conducting alpha and beta tests while under NDA.
Tryyton claims that he has already discussed the matter with the playtesting company to find a solution to the problem on the company’s end.
The game’s visual appeal has been discussed at length by a few different players previously. Despite this, Tryyton would keep the screenshot a secret to comply with the terms of his NDA whenever the screenshot was taken. The fact that the text “20230209t” is visible in the snapshot, on the other hand, has led some people to conclude that the t represents the time and that the screenshot was captured on February 2, 2023.
The snapshot was reportedly taken on February 9, 2023, during a multiplayer stress test for the game, according to the photographic proof provided by reliable sources.
You can securely and confidentially contact Tom Tom Henderson at [email protected] if you know the playtesting company or the time when the screenshot was captured.
What are your thoughts on the gameplay screenshot I posted of Forza Motorsport?