Soner Booms, a working veterinarian on Farm in Central Turkey, hearts felt warm when a video clip showed him frantically clearing a pile of soil a dog Her dogs were buried under the virus on social media. He was seen saying, “Come here, Cosm.” in The video, where Poyoms selects a covered frightened puppy with dirt, a local phrase of Affection which means “my lamb” in origin.
The mother Her dogs are now safe and will be new population of The apple They were an orchard found nearby.
weak cry of The dog and the resolve of Büyümez and his colleague ensured their survival. Mahmoud Asher, goalkeeper in apple grove in Develi . District of Central Governorate of Kayseri told Anadolu Agency (AA) that he heard the sound of a caliber dog Barking while checking the orchard on Monday. Find out that dogs were buried when they were temporary home that they made for themselves on slight slope in Empty land near the orchard. Booms was working in another part of The orchard when Asher and his club shouted for help. The two managed to pull mother By grabbing her legs but found it was there more buried under it. race against time with Nothing but digging their hands out Puppies. One of The puppies died while the others died survived.
The duo are now feeding the dogs family in The orchard is hoping someone give them a home. garden already home For about 45 puppies.
Buyums told the Ihlas News Agency (İHA) that they did not know There were dogs buried when they heard dog “wailing.” In about two years hoursSave everything of they. “They are all fine and healthy now. We care for every day “.
Soner Booms, a working veterinarian on Farm in Central Turkey, hearts felt warm when a video clip showed him frantically clearing a pile of soil a dog Her dogs were buried under the virus on social media. He was seen saying, “Come here, Cosm.” in The video, where Poyoms selects a covered frightened puppy with dirt, a local phrase of Affection which means “my lamb” in origin.
The mother Her dogs are now safe and will be new population of The apple They were an orchard found nearby.
weak cry of The dog and the resolve of Büyümez and his colleague ensured their survival. Mahmoud Asher, goalkeeper in apple grove in Develi . District of Central Governorate of Kayseri told Anadolu Agency (AA) that he heard the sound of a caliber dog Barking while checking the orchard on Monday. Find out that dogs were buried when they were temporary home that they made for themselves on slight slope in Empty land near the orchard. Booms was working in another part of The orchard when Asher and his club shouted for help. The two managed to pull mother By grabbing her legs but found it was there more buried under it. race against time with Nothing but digging their hands out Puppies. One of The puppies died while the others died survived.
The duo are now feeding the dogs family in The orchard is hoping someone give them a home. garden already home For about 45 puppies.
Buyums told the Ihlas News Agency (İHA) that they did not know There were dogs buried when they heard dog “wailing.” In about two years hoursSave everything of they. “They are all fine and healthy now. We care for every day “.