a new Recently released superhero movie “Secret Headquarters” starring Owen Wilson on Broadcasting platform Paramount Plus instead of that it original plan for theatrical debut in a move who – which in The old days were akin to a live-to-video version and it would look like like Slight – but film directors Henry Jost and Ariel Shulman say the release strategy The movie appeals to the target audience.
“There was a conversation of Theatrical vs the broadcast and Henry and I were torn apart and then sorted of Set it up for kids just to see how They felt that their response was more Important to us, “We want for them big Premiere…what are they doing want from him?”
“They are all sorted of just He shrugged his shoulders and said “flocking” – like of Of course, “continue”. Because we are want To watch it right away, just as much times as such possible. “
the film – available on flow in United States as well in Australia, Canada and Britain – see Wilson play absent father who turns up out to be a superhero, with a lair of world- Uncover salvage items under the bachelor’s pillow.
It is said primarily from the perspective of Wilson’s character son – Classic superhero flick set against growing pains of puberty.
Wilson told AFP when he was first Received the script read some of his viewer young sons who Arrested up in The story. “
“This type of what appealed to me alsoIt was more Sort of things of Good heart of first crush and this kind of critical ofYou are knowUniverse in Middle school is trying to fit in And those things just Good heart of Ring true For me, “a 53-year-old said.
Wilson said the movie also Brought on Some embarrassing moments for His: Left-handed, the actor was written as a right-handed superhero.
“I think my throwing Movement, if I get any criticism about it, I want to get this story out I’m there want moving forward of That, “The well-known actor for his roles in Wes Anderson’s works with Hint of simper.
“that it hard to me throw with Your opposite hand.”
“And the people He says Owen Wilson doesn’t push himself, ” director Shulman laughed.
Wilson next he is set to appear in The second season of “Loki” from Marvel on Disney+, in Who plays the role of Möbius M. Möbius, a specialized agent on “Time Variable” criminals.
In 2021, the Dallas-born actor starred in Anderson “The French Dispatch”, the continuation of his long association with director.
Asked if there are any upcoming Anderson projects in Wilson paused before saying, “That would be great, too.”
“Can he join MCU? The actor then sneered, referring to the flagship Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise.
“you start know. “
a new Recently released superhero movie “Secret Headquarters” starring Owen Wilson on Broadcasting platform Paramount Plus instead of that it original plan for theatrical debut in a move who – which in The old days were akin to a live-to-video version and it would look like like Slight – but film directors Henry Jost and Ariel Shulman say the release strategy The movie appeals to the target audience.
“There was a conversation of Theatrical vs the broadcast and Henry and I were torn apart and then sorted of Set it up for kids just to see how They felt that their response was more Important to us, “We want for them big Premiere…what are they doing want from him?”
“They are all sorted of just He shrugged his shoulders and said “flocking” – like of Of course, “continue”. Because we are want To watch it right away, just as much times as such possible. “
the film – available on flow in United States as well in Australia, Canada and Britain – see Wilson play absent father who turns up out to be a superhero, with a lair of world- Uncover salvage items under the bachelor’s pillow.
It is said primarily from the perspective of Wilson’s character son – Classic superhero flick set against growing pains of puberty.
Wilson told AFP when he was first Received the script read some of his viewer young sons who Arrested up in The story. “
“This type of what appealed to me alsoIt was more Sort of things of Good heart of first crush and this kind of critical ofYou are knowUniverse in Middle school is trying to fit in And those things just Good heart of Ring true For me, “a 53-year-old said.
Wilson said the movie also Brought on Some embarrassing moments for His: Left-handed, the actor was written as a right-handed superhero.
“I think my throwing Movement, if I get any criticism about it, I want to get this story out I’m there want moving forward of That, “The well-known actor for his roles in Wes Anderson’s works with Hint of simper.
“that it hard to me throw with Your opposite hand.”
“And the people He says Owen Wilson doesn’t push himself, ” director Shulman laughed.
Wilson next he is set to appear in The second season of “Loki” from Marvel on Disney+, in Who plays the role of Möbius M. Möbius, a specialized agent on “Time Variable” criminals.
In 2021, the Dallas-born actor starred in Anderson “The French Dispatch”, the continuation of his long association with director.
Asked if there are any upcoming Anderson projects in Wilson paused before saying, “That would be great, too.”
“Can he join MCU? The actor then sneered, referring to the flagship Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise.
“you start know. “