With over a billion downloads, the Telegram app has made a name for itself. place in the instant messaging market. Offered for free, the application must, however, find ways to provide son financing. Pavel Durov, son so the founder decided to launch a paid offer that gives access to certain features. You can also find the details of this subscription in our dedicated article.
Major platforms are increasingly turning to paid offers
While this formula is just launched, the first figures have reached us. They are provided to us by Appfigures. Analysts report that Telegram’s revenue has grown “exponentially” in three months, doubling every month. Thus, in August alone, the company’s gross monthly income in the App Store and Google Play Store reached $1.2 million. This figure doesn’t tell us anything, but it is specified that it represents $812,000 in revenue after paying royalties to two app stores. In particular, Appfigures estimates that the number of paid Telegram subscribers by the end of August was about 257,000, compared to 154,000 at the end of July. Again, these numbers are hard to put into perspective. However, analysts say the monthly revenue from Twitter, which also has a paid plan, is only half of what Telegram earned in August. Be that as it may, it is interesting to note that large platforms that initially excluded charging their users and were based on a 100% ad-based model are increasingly turning to paid offers to diversify their recipes. Others, such as Signal, appeal to the generosity of Internet users. Its new president, Meredith Whittaker, also delivered the message: “It’s worth ten millions dollars a year to develop and maintain an application like Signal. Therefore, we invite everyone to make a donation.