Basma Ittihad, led by Talal Sonbol, honored her colleague Abdullah Fallat, head of the sports department, in a ceremony hosted by Talal Sonbol’s Diwaniya. For his part, union leader Muhammad Noor said in his speech at the ceremony: Abdullah Fallata taught me to breathe union so he gave me examples with union veterans, club presidents and honorary members and Noor emphasized that Abdullah Fallata was the light behind me that made me me to shine in the stadiums.
The ceremony began with a speech by the leader of the Federal Basma Team, former star Talal Sonbol, in which he praised the honorary march and his role in the media. Veteran Hassan Bassfar, Vice President of Al-Basma, addressed the coordinator and organizer of the ceremony, Captain Hani Bakhshwein, then a conversation with player and former referee Ibrahim Jumaa, Khaled bin Yameen, former head of various dean games Ibrahim Kandasah, founder Basma Ittihad, Dr.
The ceremony ended with the presentation of a photo of the famous fingerprint and a special book about the distinguished guest’s march.