During the second week of July 2022 AD, 700 mines laid by the Houthi militia in various regions of Yemen, including 320 anti-tank mines and 380 unexploded ammunition. Masam’s team was able to clear 54 anti-tank mines and 86 UXO in Aden Governorate, and clear 266 AT mines and 294 UXO in Ma’rib district in Ma’rib Governorate.
Thus, the number of mines removed during July increased by 1,538, bringing the number of mines removed since the beginning of the Masam project to 350,421 mines, which were randomly placed by Houthi militias in all parts of Yemen to demand more innocent victims of children, women and the elderly.
While the Kingdom, represented within the framework of the project by the King Salman Relief Center, continues to clear Yemeni lands of mines and contribute to helping Yemeni brothers lead a decent life.