War drama “Klondike” is a Ukrainian-Turkish production directed by Marina R. Gorbach and co-produced by Mehmet Bahadir Er, won Grand Jury Prize at the 48th Seattle International Film Festival and received a 3sat broadcast deal at the 22nd GoEast Film Festival.
At the 11-day Seattle Film Festival, which took place physically for The first the time in 2 years 263 films 28 of that had a world The first shows were shown. In the award The party was held on April 24, “Klondike” who narrates story of airplane crash A pregnant woman lives in village on the edge of war, won Grand Jury Prize.
At the GoEast Film Festival, media 3sat partner offers annual broadcast deal to one Film from the festival program He chose this “Klondike”. year for future broadcasting. as part of The deal, the film is set to celebrate its TV premiere on 3 Sat during the week of GoEast Festival in 2023.
Produced by the Ukrainian State Film Agency, Turkish Ministry of Directorate General of Culture and Tourism of Cinema and TRT 12 Punto, movie focus on The story of live pregnant woman on Ukrainian-Russian border who refuses to leave her home despite the siege of her village by separatist groups. It brings projection of airplane in Ukraine on July 17, 2014, to big Screen.
War drama “Klondike” is a Ukrainian-Turkish production directed by Marina R. Gorbach and co-produced by Mehmet Bahadir Er, won Grand Jury Prize at the 48th Seattle International Film Festival and received a 3sat broadcast deal at the 22nd GoEast Film Festival.
At the 11-day Seattle Film Festival, which took place physically for The first the time in 2 years 263 films 28 of that had a world The first shows were shown. In the award The party was held on April 24, “Klondike” who narrates story of airplane crash A pregnant woman lives in village on the edge of war, won Grand Jury Prize.
At the GoEast Film Festival, media 3sat partner offers annual broadcast deal to one Film from the festival program He chose this “Klondike”. year for future broadcasting. as part of The deal, the film is set to celebrate its TV premiere on 3 Sat during the week of GoEast Festival in 2023.
Produced by the Ukrainian State Film Agency, Turkish Ministry of Directorate General of Culture and Tourism of Cinema and TRT 12 Punto, movie focus on The story of live pregnant woman on Ukrainian-Russian border who refuses to leave her home despite the siege of her village by separatist groups. It brings projection of airplane in Ukraine on July 17, 2014, to big Screen.