The Israeli army announced that it would conduct an internal military maneuver, stating that there would be an active air movement, especially in the northern region.
The Israeli army said on Twitter that its military forces will conduct military maneuvers throughout the country and citizens will feel the active movement of the security forces.
He pointed out that military training should end on Wednesday morning and there will be an active movement of the army, especially the air force, especially in the northern region of the country.
“These military maneuvers or exercises are aimed at maintaining the alertness and military fitness of the forces, officers and soldiers of the Israeli army,” he said, noting that “these maneuvers are preplanned as part of the 2022 training program.”
תרגיל צבאי יחל היום בשעות הערב ברחבי הארץ, וצפוי להסתיים מחר בשעות הבוקר.
במסגרת התרגיל תורגש תנועה ערה של כוחות הביטחון וכלים אוויריים במרחב.
כמו כן, יתכנו חסימות מסויימות במרחב הצפון.
2022— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) March 22, 2022
Source: RT
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