mass flow of Immigrants Arrival in New York City pushed the mayor, Eric Adams, to declare the state of Emergency on Friday to address the situation he says It was caused by Republican state governors.
Adams said city it is now in ‘crisis situation’ with over 61000 people in New York City shelters, including more More than 17,000 “asylum seekers” who It was transported by bus in over The past A few months of other parts of Country.”
The city scheduled to exceed highest number of people in Have their shelters ever registered asylum seekers who receipt in The city on Friday counts.
“This has begun a humanitarian crisis with violence and instability in South America, and it is accelerated by American political dynamics. in thousands of Asylum seekers were transferred to New York City, and simply disembarked off Without notice, coordination or sponsorship. And the more they pray every day” in televised statements.
“This crisis is not like that of We made our own, but one It will affect everyone in this is city now and in the coming months” added.
about five six Buses rented by Republican governors have arrived in New York City every day with Many asylum seekers of From arrive Without knowing of Where are they sent or what awaits them ‘in the end of “At least nine buses have arrived,” Adams said on Thursday.
The mass influx “stresses the borders of our ability to provide care for New York City residents in need said the mayor, as it burns in our area city’s budget.” The city you appreciate it spend up To 1 billion dollars to treat problem within current financial year which ends in September 2023.
“a city Recovering from a persistent condition global A pandemic overshadowed by a humanitarian crisis made “With human hands,” he said. “we are in edge of the abyss. we need Serious partnership and realistic solutions.
Adams appealed to the Biden administration and the state of New York government To provide assistance quickly. In particular, call on federation government to me pass Legislation that would allow asylum seekers work Legally in The country urged Congress to pass Emergency financial Legislate and institute the long-overdue immigration reform.
mass flow of Immigrants Arrival in New York City pushed the mayor, Eric Adams, to declare the state of Emergency on Friday to address the situation he says It was caused by Republican state governors.
Adams said city it is now in ‘crisis situation’ with over 61000 people in New York City shelters, including more More than 17,000 “asylum seekers” who It was transported by bus in over The past A few months of other parts of Country.”
The city scheduled to exceed highest number of people in Have their shelters ever registered asylum seekers who receipt in The city on Friday counts.
“This has begun a humanitarian crisis with violence and instability in South America, and it is accelerated by American political dynamics. in thousands of Asylum seekers were transferred to New York City, and simply disembarked off Without notice, coordination or sponsorship. And the more they pray every day” in televised statements.
“This crisis is not like that of We made our own, but one It will affect everyone in this is city now and in the coming months” added.
about five six Buses rented by Republican governors have arrived in New York City every day with Many asylum seekers of From arrive Without knowing of Where are they sent or what awaits them ‘in the end of “At least nine buses have arrived,” Adams said on Thursday.
The mass influx “stresses the borders of our ability to provide care for New York City residents in need said the mayor, as it burns in our area city’s budget.” The city you appreciate it spend up To 1 billion dollars to treat problem within current financial year which ends in September 2023.
“a city Recovering from a persistent condition global A pandemic overshadowed by a humanitarian crisis made “With human hands,” he said. “we are in edge of the abyss. we need Serious partnership and realistic solutions.
Adams appealed to the Biden administration and the state of New York government To provide assistance quickly. In particular, call on federation government to me pass Legislation that would allow asylum seekers work Legally in The country urged Congress to pass Emergency financial Legislate and institute the long-overdue immigration reform.