The Mecca Neighborhood Centers Association Mecca Youth Scout team, in collaboration with the Al Qadi Charitable Initiative, celebrated the charitable work of the late Scout leader Bandar bin Matouk Al Obaydi in a ceremony hosted by Sultan bin Saeed, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mecca Amateur Football Sub-Association Abd Rabbo in the teachers’ lounge Said Abd Rabbo – may the Lord have mercy on him -. The ceremony was held under the auspices of Dr. Ahmed Eid, former president of the Saudi Arabian Football Association, and in the presence of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Naval Scouts, Scout leader Sheriff Mahmoud Sobha, Dr. Mahmoud. Muhammad Qasnavi, former Dean of the College of Education of Umm Al Qura University, Major General Abdullah Qasnavi, Scout leader, geotechnical engineer Khaled bin Abdullah Qadi, as well as a number of media representatives, athletes, scout leaders, educators and public figures. The ceremony began with a welcome of the guests with shouts and Scout products, followed by a speech party, which was introduced by the announcer Muhammad Al-Saleh.