Fahd bin Talib Al-Marri’s “Ethara” video dazzled the public while participating in the seventh round of the second day races in the Al-Lakaya category, leading him to take first place and become the fastest race during 12 races in a record time (6 :21.762) minutes in the morning for the 4K race in the preliminary rounds of the Crown Prince’s Camel Festival 2022.
A number of visitors and observers praised her performance and physical form, noting that she has previous achievements and arose from heavy loads.
The results of the first place winners in the remaining 11 games were as follows: Shandarra Saad Masood Al Marri, Shaheen Obaid Harba Al Omrani, Ghanati Turki Saif Al Otaibi, Al Nayef Nayel Rashid Al Shamsi, Bint al-Sanafi” by Muhammad Hamad al-Marri, “Shaheen” by Muhammad Abdullah al-Hammami, “Reputation” by Mazyad Samir al-Shamri, “Hakoh” by Hamad Muhammad al-Marri, “Shaheen” by Awad Saleh Al-Rizka, “How” Salema Al-Ramli Al-Amiri and finally “Shaheen” by Rashid Ali Al Marri.