Elon Musk Announces Twitter’s Branding Update
Yesterday evening, tens of thousands waited for Elon Musk to join them in a Twitter Space. It was given the name ‘No one talk until we summon Elon Musk,’ and it took the quiet Space only one hour to grab the man’s attention. As soon as he joined, he indicated casually that he would update Twitter’s branding for the first time in almost twenty years, ultimately eliminating the easily recognizable blue bird.
Background Noise and Casual Conversation
During this talk, there was a lot of background noise coming from Elon’s end, and it didn’t take long for the preoccupied owner and CTO of Twitter to explain that he was knee-deep in Diablo 4. It was an odd chat that was extremely casual and lasted for only five minutes. The conversation was nearly entirely centered on gaming.
Elon Musk’s Response
Elon Musk responded as follows when questioned about the reason for the upcoming change to the Twitter logo:
“It should have been done a long time ago – sorry it took so long.”
Carving the Logo
After that, he proceeded to describe that as he was grinding Diablo 4, engineers were carving the Twitter logo from the side of the building where the company’s headquarters were located using blowtorches. That’s one method to get the job done successfully.
Awkward Interaction
Musk admonished the users seated in the Twitter Space. It demanded to know why they had summoned him and ‘interrupted his Diablo 4’ session. It then deteriorated into something awkward when users asked to know Musk’s Steam ID and then grilled him on the kinds of games he was playing. Musk responded by saying that he does not play video games.
The fact that his character in Diablo 4 was called “IWillNeverDie” seemed to provide him with much amusement.
Musk’s Gaming Achievements
Musk claimed right before the conversation ended that he had beaten Halo Infinite on the Legendary difficulty setting. This statement was made after it had been suggested to him that he should use the Twitter network to become a popular streamer.
The Complexity of Super Smash
And then it came to a close with Musk discussing the complexity of Super Smash to a room full of listeners who appeared uninterested in the topic and looked more focused on discovering whether or not he was drinking Diet Coke.