Dubai Police confirmed Tuesday that they have arrested two businessmen of Indian origin and are taking the necessary steps to extradite them to South Africa, where they are suspected of being involved in a corruption scandal involving the government of former President Jacob Zuma.
The arrest statement for two brothers, Atul and Rajesh Gupta, said their arrest came after police received a “red notice issued against them by Interpol.” He added that the Dubai Police were coordinating with “South African authorities to submit a reinstatement file to complete subsequent legal procedures.”
The Gupta brothers are accused of paying bribes in exchange for government contracts and dominating the cabinet in a scandal that rocked the Zuma administration. Their arrests follow the completion of an investigation into the large-scale looting of international institutions under the Zuma administration, which lasted nine years until 2018. Interpol Red Notices allow law enforcement to arrest a wanted person and detain him pending extradition.