Australia on Thursday announced he will extend son active defense personnel by a third by 2040″ to keep Australians safe in an increasingly uncertain situation global environment.”
In a statement, Prime Minister office say it force would increase by 18,500 personnel at 80,000 over on 18-year period, at a cost of some 38 billion Australian dollars ($27 billion).
“The first priority of my government keeps Australians safe and to do this we need one more ADF grand with more sailors and airmen and women operate the cutting-edge capabilities we get to protect Australia,” said Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who should call a general election in May.
“Our world becomes more and more uncertain, so it is important that we take steps now to protect our people and our national interest over decades to come,” he said. added.
He said the Australian Defense Force (ADF) personnel will be increased in each state and territory, with a particular accent on associated capacities with the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS).
Defense Minister Peter Dutton said the expansion plan “will allow us to deliver our advanced nuclear-powered submarines, ships, aircraft and weapons. This will mean that we can build capacities of combat in fields of spaceet information and cyber.”
The AUKUS security pact, signed last year, allows australia to build nuclear submarines, a China deal says undermine regional peace and stability and intensify arms race.
Australia on Thursday announced he will extend son active defense personnel by a third by 2040″ to keep Australians safe in an increasingly uncertain situation global environment.”
In a statement, Prime Minister office say it force would increase by 18,500 personnel at 80,000 over on 18-year period, at a cost of some 38 billion Australian dollars ($27 billion).
“The first priority of my government keeps Australians safe and to do this we need one more ADF grand with more sailors and airmen and women operate the cutting-edge capabilities we get to protect Australia,” said Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who should call a general election in May.
“Our world becomes more and more uncertain, so it is important that we take steps now to protect our people and our national interest over decades to come,” he said. added.
He said the Australian Defense Force (ADF) personnel will be increased in each state and territory, with a particular accent on associated capacities with the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (AUKUS).
Defense Minister Peter Dutton said the expansion plan “will allow us to deliver our advanced nuclear-powered submarines, ships, aircraft and weapons. This will mean that we can build capacities of combat in fields of spaceet information and cyber.”
The AUKUS security pact, signed last year, allows australia to build nuclear submarines, a China deal says undermine regional peace and stability and intensify arms race.