A popular series
The Riverdale series, based on comics, has been a success with a loyal and expanding audience. It revolves around Archie Andrews, a young American aspiring musician, navigating his complicated teenage life. Alongside him is his best friend, who secretly has feelings for him, and Veronica, a mysterious and wealthy girl with her own scandals. Interestingly, the series’ main character is the city of Riverdale itself, which is darker than it initially appears.
The engaging writing and compelling context have garnered a large community of fans over the years (with a 93% rating on Netflix). The series has even spawned an extended universe called the Archiverse, featuring other series from the Archie Comics franchise. However, after seven seasons, the final episode will air on Netflix on Thursday, August 24.
It’s not a permanent goodbye
If you have a Netflix subscription, you can watch the 130th episode of Riverdale today, which marks the end of the seventh season and the series as a whole. The episode will focus on 86-year-old Betty, with significant flashbacks to the events leading up to Season 6’s comet arrival. Fans of the series will understand the significance of this!
Here is the official description of this final episode:
Will this last chapter bring tears to our eyes?