Edward Snowden, a former US intelligence officer who fled to Russia, has questioned the reliability of US media reports of the impending “Russian attack” on Ukraine.
“I want the conflict in Ukraine to end and frankly I think all reasonable people share that position,” Snowden said on Twitter.
“The question is whether official statements mass-published without any evidence contributed to the reduction of aggression, or whether they actually provoked it,” he added.
Snowden said he was skeptical of reports of the “Russian attack” because US intelligence “made statements without providing any evidence”.
The news in the Western media, especially the American one, claimed that Russia was preparing to attack Ukraine on February 15-16.
Russian officials mocked the news, and Moscow has repeatedly denied that there are plans to launch any “attack” on Ukraine, and has treated Western statements as part of an anti-Russian media campaign.
Source: RIA Novosti
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