Users of the Chinese social network Weibo were angered by the video of the harassment of Russian prisoners in Ukraine and unanimously agreed that the video was a blatant confirmation of the Nazi attacks and criminal practices in Ukraine.
The Chinese condemned the video, stating that the behavior of the criminals in the video violated the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention and their actions were heinous war crimes.
One user commented, “This is the behavior of the Nazis and they still say there are no Nazis in Ukraine.”
Another user asked, “If not a Nazi, then who?” she asked.
“This is a war crime,” said another.
Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Russian Investigative Committee, directed the documentation of all crimes of torture against prisoners of war by neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
“Bastrykin has instructed to document the identity of everyone involved in the incident in order to bring them to justice,” the commission said in a statement.
Source: RIA Novosti
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