Dozens of Israeli settlers demonstrated today Wednesday at the site of the knife attack in Beersheba amid calls for the Israeli government’s resignation.
And yesterday, early Tuesday, Israeli media reported that 4 people were killed and others injured as a result of being crushed and stabbed on Hebron Street in Beersheba, and the perpetrator was shot dead.
The operation resulted in two women (aged 35 and 40) stabbed to death, a man in his fifties crushed and another stabbed to death in his forties, two women moderately to severely injured.
In addition, Blue and White MK Michael Payton called for a change in the firing instructions given to the settlers following the investigation of the person who carried out the knife attack in Beersheba.
In his post on his Twitter account, he said, “We need to change the firing procedures and ensure that the citizen who saved his life returns home without being humiliated with his gun. The police did this in good faith, this is a crime.” routine inspection, but must be respectful and take the citizen back home.”in Who is the hero?
Source: RT
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