Barbie and Oppenheimer Films Released on the Same Day: A Phenomenon Called “Barbenheimer”
Starting from July 19, audiences can now enjoy two new films: Barbie and Oppenheimer, both released on the exact same day. Barbie tells the story of a blonde doll venturing into the real world, with actress Margot Robbie in the lead role. Oppenheimer, on the other hand, is Christopher Nolan’s latest film that showcases the creation of the first nuclear bomb during World War II by Robert Oppenheimer for the Manhattan Project.
These two big-budget films have sparked a phenomenon known as “Barbenheimer.” This term simply highlights the contrast between two vastly different movies released on the same day. As a result, there have been montages featuring both Barbie and Robert Oppenheimer characters together. However, not everyone is pleased with this phenomenon…
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“Barbenheimer” does not amuse Japan
While many internet users find it amusing to associate the doll with the scientist, the reaction from Japan has been different. The official Warner Twitter account responded positively to “Barbenheimer” fan montages, which has not been well-received by Japanese internet users. They believe that associating the two films shows a lack of respect for a tragic event that resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Japanese.
— 映画『バービー』公式 (@BarbieMovie_jp) July 31, 2023
We find it extremely unfortunate that the official account of the American headquarters of the film “Barbie” reacted to the messages of “Barbenheimer” fans on social networks.
We take this situation very seriously. We ask the American headquarters to take the necessary measures.
We apologize to those who have been offended by this series of thoughtless reactions.
It’s worth noting that the Oppenheimer movie has not yet been released in Japan and does not have a release date. In Japan, any discussion surrounding nuclear weapons is sensitive, and therefore seeing the subject being treated lightly in the Barbie movie is considered offensive.