Twisted Metal, a series adaptation of a video game license from PlayStation 1, is set to be released on July 27th on the Peacock streaming platform. The show follows the journey of John Doe, an amnesiac man tasked with delivering a package in a post-apocalyptic world.
When is Twisted Metal released?
To see the Twisted Metal series, viewers will have to wait until July 27th on the Peacock streaming platform. There is only one season planned, consisting of 10 episodes lasting about thirty minutes. The show has been in production for more than four years, facing delays due to weather and the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to see Twisted Metal?
To watch Twisted Metal in France, viewers will have to wait until the end of July when it becomes available on the Peacock streaming platform. However, at the moment, it is not yet accessible in France. Viewers have two options: use a VPN or subscribe to Amazon Prime, which has a partnership with Peacock. There is also a possibility that Twisted Metal could be available on Universal+, a streaming service launched in October 2022 in the country.
What is Twisted Metal?
Twisted Metal is a series adaptation of a video game franchise that originated on PlayStation 1 in 1995. The game revolves around a demolition derby competition where winning races leads to meeting Calypso, a mysterious man capable of granting any wish. The franchise has 10 apps, including spin-offs, and ended in 2012 on PS3.
What is the history of Twisted Metal?
In the Twisted Metal series, the main character, John Doe, an amnesiac man, must deliver a package in a post-apocalyptic world. If he fails to complete his mission, he will be killed. With the help of Quiet, a reckless car thief, Doe embarks on a life-changing journey. However, he must also evade Sweet Tooth, a malevolent clown who is determined to stop him.
Who are the creatives behind Twisted Metal?
The cast of Twisted Metal is yet to be announced.