For several weeks, Russian strikes on Ukrainian territory focused on power plants, until screams were heard from the very heart of Kyiv confirming that 30% of power plants in the entire country were completely destroyed.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stood in the dark yesterday, stressing that his people are not afraid of the dark.
But Moscow’s goal is not to drown its western neighbor in darkness, but, it seems, in frost.
“We’ll freeze to death”
Winter and snow on the doors, as well as running into power plants, will greatly affect heating, transportation, and more.
In this context, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, stressed that Ukrainians will freeze to death this winter if the West does not urgently send them blankets and generators to keep warm.
The 51-year-old former world heavyweight boxing champion also added that Russia’s increased attacks on power plants have brought his country to the brink of a new crisis.
“We are doing our best to save and protect our people, but this winter will definitely be a big test for us,” he said, pounding his fists on the table.
However, he believed that this change in Russian tactics, featuring a new military leader appointed a few weeks ago by Russian President Vladimir Putin and his focus on bombing power plants, reflected Moscow’s need for a small victory, whatever that might be. According to him.
It is noteworthy that in the coming days, night temperatures are expected to drop in Ukraine, in some places to -20 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities have rationed power hours and taken steps to cut power consumption across the country after Russian missiles and drones destroyed more than 30% of power plants in just a week.