American lawmakers saw members of right-wing groups and other Donald Trump supporters storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021 after the former president’s tweet was seen as a “call to arms.”
Meanwhile, Representative Liz Cheney, vice chair of the House Committee to Investigate the Attack on Congress, said Trump, 76, had recently tried to contact a witness on the committee.
Cheney said the unidentified witness did not respond to Trump’s call and informed his attorney, stressing that the committee “provided this information to the Justice Department.”
During the seventh public hearing, which was broadcast live, a House committee of seven Democrats and two Republicans examined the impact of a tweet Trump wrote on December 19, 2020, urging his supporters to come to Washington on January 6 for a mass rally he promised , will be “naughty”.
The tweet was sent more than an hour after Trump met at the White House with his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, former General Mike Flynn and lawyer Sidney Powell in a strategic meeting that one aide called “mentally unstable.”