More than 5,000 butchers were injured during a sacrifice in Turkey, according to the Demiroren news agency.
The agency said “5,102 aspiring butchers” were hospitalized in various regions. “On the first day of Eid al-Adha, aspiring butchers who wanted to slaughter their own victims filled emergency services at hospitals this year as well,” she added. And she added: “With the exception of Istanbul, 5,102 butchers were injured by cutting tools or animal blows during the slaughter of sacrificial animals throughout Turkey.”
The agency posted pictures of the injured butchers on their Twitter account, and their injuries ranged from hand to foot.
Kesim sırasında kaçan boğa, kalabalığın arasına koştu
— Demiroren Haber Ayansi (@dhainternet) July 9, 2022
Another video shows 7 people attempting to set up a bull to stab him as a sacrifice and failed after the bull pushed them, causing one of them to fall to the ground as a result of the blow he received.
In this regard, the Anadolu agency reported that “several beginner butchers were injured during operations to slaughter sacrificial animals in a number of Turkish states.” The agency said Turkish hospitals “in the states of Erzurum, Kars, Agri, Ardahan and Erzincan received several injured butchers on Saturday, the first day of blessed Eid al-Adha.” She pointed out that hospitals “in the states of Malatya, Adyman, Gaziantep, Kahramanmarash and Tekirdag witnessed such cases.”