On Saturday, Ukraine said its forces had managed to advance back against Russian forces in Fierce battles in Severodonetsk though Russia “throwing all in it power”In the capture of the strategic eastern region city.
Ukrainian forces are trying to ‘re-establish’ total control” of Severodonetsk, mayor of The key Eastern city He said.
While the Russian forces had some success and took”good part” of The cityUkrainian forces redeployed and were doing their best to re-establish them total control of The city Oleksandr Stryuk said in televised interview broadcast on cable.
At least seven civilians were reported killed in Luhansk region Where is Severodonetsk and in southern city of Mykolaiv, while a respectable wooden church has been reported on fire Because of Fighting.
The governor of Luhansk region, Sergey Gaidai, said in Interview posted online The invading forces had captured most of them of Except that the Ukrainian Severodonetsk military was pushing them back.
The Russian army as we understand it is throwing all in it powerall its reserves in This direction Jedi said, who on Friday claimed that the Ukrainian forces managed to do so win back Fifth of The city.
However, the Russian army has demanded some Ukrainians military Units were withdrawing from city.
press service of Ukraine Presidency office he said that”street The fight was “ongoing” in Severodonetsk and “Attack operations are underway” in industrial part of The city.
Severodonetsk is the largest city resident in Ukrainian hands in Luhansk regionGradually, the Russian forces were advancing in Recent weeks after withdrawal or expulsion from other regions, including around the capital Kyiv.
in thousands of people killing, millions forced to flee and towns reduced to rubble since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered -out assaults on Pro-Western neighbour on February 24.
Western powers imposed increasingly severe sanctions on Russia supplied Ukraine with weapons, but divisions emerged on how To answer.
French President Emmanuel Macron on He said Friday that Putin had made a “fundamental mistake”, but Russia said should They are not “humiliated” so that the diplomatic solution can be found.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba responded on On Saturday, she said such calls “only insult France” and any country that takes a similar position.
“It is Russia that is insulting itself. We are all focused better on how to put Russia in that it place. “This will bring peace and save lives,” he said.
Kill foreign volunteers
despite of Diplomatic efforts, conflict raged in south and east of Country.
Ukrainian officials on Saturday announced The death of Four foreigners military Volunteers fighting the Russian forces but did not specify when or in what circumstances they died.
International Legion of defense of Ukraine, a official Volunteer Brigade, named men and spread it photos of They said they were from Germany, the Netherlands, Australia and France.
death of the two men His name is from Holland and Australia already According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on On Friday, he said a French volunteer fighter had been killed in combat.
Ukraine also Two casualties reported from a Russian missile attack on Odessa in Southwest, without specifying whether they are dead or wounded.
The Russian Defense Ministry said it had struck a “spread point”. for foreign mercenaries in the village of Dachen in Odessa region.
He. She also claimed missile attack in Northeast Sumy region on Artillery Training Center with Foreign coaches.
Aside from the casualties, the conflict has resulted in caused Extensive damage to the Ukrainian cultural heritage.
On Saturday, Ukrainian officials reported that a large Orthodox wooden church, a popular site for pilgrims, was on fire He blamed the Russian forces.
Russia continues prove “that it inability be part of of Civilized world Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko said in a permit.
The Russian Defense Ministry blamed “Ukrainian nationalists” for And the fire said its forces were not operating in The area.
was the church built in 2009 on Location of Another church was attacked up in 1947.
On Saturday, Ukraine said its forces had managed to advance back against Russian forces in Fierce battles in Severodonetsk though Russia “throwing all in it power”In the capture of the strategic eastern region city.
Ukrainian forces are trying to ‘re-establish’ total control” of Severodonetsk, mayor of The key Eastern city He said.
While the Russian forces had some success and took”good part” of The cityUkrainian forces redeployed and were doing their best to re-establish them total control of The city Oleksandr Stryuk said in televised interview broadcast on cable.
At least seven civilians were reported killed in Luhansk region Where is Severodonetsk and in southern city of Mykolaiv, while a respectable wooden church has been reported on fire Because of Fighting.
The governor of Luhansk region, Sergey Gaidai, said in Interview posted online The invading forces had captured most of them of Except that the Ukrainian Severodonetsk military was pushing them back.
The Russian army as we understand it is throwing all in it powerall its reserves in This direction Jedi said, who on Friday claimed that the Ukrainian forces managed to do so win back Fifth of The city.
However, the Russian army has demanded some Ukrainians military Units were withdrawing from city.
press service of Ukraine Presidency office he said that”street The fight was “ongoing” in Severodonetsk and “Attack operations are underway” in industrial part of The city.
Severodonetsk is the largest city resident in Ukrainian hands in Luhansk regionGradually, the Russian forces were advancing in Recent weeks after withdrawal or expulsion from other regions, including around the capital Kyiv.
in thousands of people killing, millions forced to flee and towns reduced to rubble since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered -out assaults on Pro-Western neighbour on February 24.
Western powers imposed increasingly severe sanctions on Russia supplied Ukraine with weapons, but divisions emerged on how To answer.
French President Emmanuel Macron on He said Friday that Putin had made a “fundamental mistake”, but Russia said should They are not “humiliated” so that the diplomatic solution can be found.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba responded on On Saturday, she said such calls “only insult France” and any country that takes a similar position.
“It is Russia that is insulting itself. We are all focused better on how to put Russia in that it place. “This will bring peace and save lives,” he said.
Kill foreign volunteers
despite of Diplomatic efforts, conflict raged in south and east of Country.
Ukrainian officials on Saturday announced The death of Four foreigners military Volunteers fighting the Russian forces but did not specify when or in what circumstances they died.
International Legion of defense of Ukraine, a official Volunteer Brigade, named men and spread it photos of They said they were from Germany, the Netherlands, Australia and France.
death of the two men His name is from Holland and Australia already According to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on On Friday, he said a French volunteer fighter had been killed in combat.
Ukraine also Two casualties reported from a Russian missile attack on Odessa in Southwest, without specifying whether they are dead or wounded.
The Russian Defense Ministry said it had struck a “spread point”. for foreign mercenaries in the village of Dachen in Odessa region.
He. She also claimed missile attack in Northeast Sumy region on Artillery Training Center with Foreign coaches.
Aside from the casualties, the conflict has resulted in caused Extensive damage to the Ukrainian cultural heritage.
On Saturday, Ukrainian officials reported that a large Orthodox wooden church, a popular site for pilgrims, was on fire He blamed the Russian forces.
Russia continues prove “that it inability be part of of Civilized world Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko said in a permit.
The Russian Defense Ministry blamed “Ukrainian nationalists” for And the fire said its forces were not operating in The area.
was the church built in 2009 on Location of Another church was attacked up in 1947.